[molpro-user] questions about SCS-MP2

Wanlu Li wanluli0716 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 13:26:06 GMT 2015

Dear Molpro users,
I tried to run SCS-MP2 optimization calculation with the help of
Molpro2012, but I met some problems when define the density fitting basis
The error is:

* Using ITF DF-MP2 gradient implementation*

* Number of core orbitals:          35 (  13   6  11   5 )*
* Number of closed-shell orbitals:  22 (   8   4   7   3 )*
* Number of external orbitals:     284 (  93  55  86  50 )*

* Molecular orbitals read from record     2100.2  Type=RHF/CANONICAL (state

* Cannot find default basis USERDEF for atom Au*
* Type=FIT*
* Context=JKFIT*

* Please specify a default basis or define basis sets for all atoms!*

Certain parts of my input file is:




Is there someone who knows how to input the density fitting basis or have
some input files to run the SCS-MP2 calculations? Any suggestions would be
greatly appreciated.

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