[molpro-user] Failed CCSD calculation with Molpro 2015 and Intel 2015

王黎明 wanglm at scut.edu.cn
Mon Jan 4 08:21:29 CET 2016

Dear All,

We are testing Molpro-2015 (binary version) on a new system. We are testing a CCSD(T)-F12 calculation. The system has 24 cores with 256 GB RAM. We have installed Intel compiler and MKL (2015 version) and OpenMPI-1.8.7. We have tried to use 12 or 18 cores to run the calculation, and they all failed. The input file and xml output is attached below (Details deleted to reduce the mail size).

This calculation can be done correctly on our old system with MKL-2013 and OpenMPI-1.6.5, using 6 cores and 800 MW RAM per core.

My guess is that intel 2015 does not work with Molpro 2015. But I am not sure.

Thanks in advavce!


Liming Wang, Ph D
School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
South China University of Technology
381, Wushan Rd.
Guangzhou, China 510640
E-Mail: wanglm at scut.edu.cn
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Liming_Wang6

**************** Input
***,(CH3)2CHOC(OO)CH3 RHF-UCCSD(T)-F12/cc-pVDZ-F12 // M06-2X/6-311++G(2df,2p)
  Molecule                                                                       ! (CH3)2CHOC(OO)(CH3)2 CH3COC-Trans COCH-Cis-02
  O,  0.2811158514,  -0.1038739459,  0.6717967484
  C,  1.4246684528,  0.0630519814,  -0.1777806603
  H,  1.0922971201,  0.1379721628,  -1.2157818884
  C,  2.3509709615,  -1.1284549531,  -0.0108718142
  H,  1.8609064567,  -2.056708531,  -0.3017721672
  H,  3.2453674989,  -1.0040207043,  -0.6215060654
  H,  2.653755546,  -1.2121823056,  1.0332401308
  C,  2.0824603135,  1.3697718182,  0.2220762725
  H,  2.9691175516,  1.5538972741,  -0.3843053789
  H,  1.3840224971,  2.1948671847,  0.0940365356
  H,  2.3797583034,  1.3265182756,  1.2702948726
  C,  -0.9414480888,  -1.6633222017,  -0.7546079606
  H,  -0.7017736226,  -2.5139986606,  -0.1193524597
  H,  -1.9284855751,  -1.8096401429,  -1.1889328676
  H,  -0.2146815057,  -1.6062788209,  -1.5627150721
  C,  -1.9730979479,  -0.3944408988,  1.1802179623
  H,  -1.7511277966,  -1.1879370109,  1.8907760984
  H,  -1.9428239101,  0.5640270164,  1.6925024397
  H,  -2.9630673145,  -0.5538353897,  0.7571624734
  C,  -0.9290946713,  -0.4018724105,  0.0883283803
  O,  -1.2753728092,  0.6537916035,  -0.8959845034
  O,  -1.2572443109,  1.839109659,  -0.3797150763
  {UCCSD(T)-F12 SCALE_TRIP=1; CORE,9; WF,NELEC=73,spin=1,CHARGE=0;}

*************** XML Output with error message: running with 12 core on a 24 core workstation

                                         ***  PROGRAM SYSTEM MOLPRO  ***
                                       Copyright, TTI GmbH Stuttgart, 2015
                                    Version 2015.1 linked Nov 13 2015 17:13:29

  64 bit mpp version                                                                     DATE: 01-Jan-16          TIME: 22:25:31

 SHA1:             41aa48e1468dac041f2eaabdf410f3ce2ee7f8bf

1PROGRAM * RHF-SCF (OPEN SHELL)       Authors: W. Meyer, H.-J. Werner
 ITERATION    DDIFF          GRAD             ENERGY        2-EL.EN.            DIPOLE MOMENTS         DIIS   ORB.
   19      0.630D-05      0.125D-06      -459.39518312   1362.236491    0.28741   -0.85043   -0.02578    0    orth

 !RHF STATE 1.1 Energy               -459.395183118903

1PROGRAM * CCSD (Unrestricted open-shell coupled cluster)     Authors: C. Hampel, H.-J. Werner, 1991, M. Deegan, P.J. Knowles, 1992

                           UCCSD-F12 implementation by G. Knizia and H.-J. Werner, 2008

                   Density fitting integral evaluation by F.R. Manby, 2003,2007, G. Knizia, 2010

 Basis set AUG-CC-PVDZ/JKFIT generated.  Number of basis functions:   1190
 Basis set CC-PVDZ-F12/OPTRI generated.  Number of basis functions:   880
 Basis set AUG-CC-PVDZ/MP2FIT generated. Number of basis functions:   947

 Convergence thresholds:  THRVAR = 1.00D-08  THRDEN = 1.46D-06

 CCSD(T)     terms to be evaluated (factor= 1.000)

 Number of core orbitals:           9 (   9 )
 Number of closed-shell orbitals:  27 (  27 )
 Number of active  orbitals:        1 (   1 )
 Number of external orbitals:     350 ( 350 )
  Reference energy                   -459.395183118904
  CABS relaxation correction to RHF    -0.021233086695
  New reference energy               -459.416416205599
  RMP2-F12 singles (MO) energy         -0.004336695422
  RMP2-F12 pair energy                 -1.922681654489
  RMP2-F12 correlation energy          -1.927018349911
  RMP2-F12/3C(FIX) energy            -461.343434555510

 Starting RMP2 calculation
 !RHF-RMP2 energy                    -461.012714289137
 Starting UCCSD calculation

   1      1.46949913    -1.58131530  -460.97649842    -1.58131530    -0.04618773  0.97D-02  0.82D-02  1  1  2035.69
   2      1.50865877    -1.62241925  -461.01760237    -0.04110395    -0.00484644  0.72D-03  0.13D-02  2  2  2991.58
   3      1.52997829    -1.63263536  -461.02781848    -0.01021612    -0.00097282  0.72D-03  0.10D-03  3  3  3898.32
   4      1.54201668    -1.63639407  -461.03157719    -0.00375871    -0.00036244  0.27D-03  0.37D-04  4  4  5057.64
   5      1.55465872    -1.63827319  -461.03345631    -0.00187912    -0.00011943  0.10D-03  0.89D-05  5  5  6034.89
   6      1.56447217    -1.63913166  -461.03431478    -0.00085846    -0.00002219  0.12D-04  0.36D-05  6  6  7212.78
   7      1.56846842    -1.63944760  -461.03463072    -0.00031594    -0.00000400  0.24D-05  0.68D-06  6  1  8327.92
   8      1.56914074    -1.63950209  -461.03468521    -0.00005449    -0.00000093  0.46D-06  0.19D-06  6  2  9614.98
   9      1.56943487    -1.63951780  -461.03470092    -0.00001571    -0.00000025  0.18D-06  0.39D-07  6  3 10570.06
  10      1.56953478    -1.63952837  -461.03471149    -0.00001057    -0.00000008  0.62D-07  0.11D-07  6  4 11683.56
  11             NaN            NaN            NaN            NaN            NaN  0.37D-07       NaN  6  5 13350.42
 ? Error
 ? Fatal programming error: next=0
 ? The problem occurs in ccdiis
   --><error type="Error" location="ccdiis" message="Fatal programming error: next=0"/><!--

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