[molpro-user] Freq restart problems

Matthias Heger heger at ualberta.ca
Mon Dec 11 18:45:05 CET 2017

Hello everyone, it's me again, this time with a mundane restart problem. When using "freq,restart" in my input file, I get errors relating to inconsistent variables stored on the wfu file:

  Inconsistent active variables in restart: CX1A CX1
  Inconsistent active variables in restart: CY1A CY1
  (etc. pp.)
  Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HY16A HY16
  Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HZ16A HZ16
  ? Error
  ? Restart error
  ? The problem occurs in htask_read

I'm attaching the output file from a small test run.

Any way to make this work?


Dr. Matthias Heger
Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta
11227 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton, AB T6G 2G2, Canada

Office: CCIS 4-151
Lab: CCIS 4-108
Email: heger at ualberta.ca
-------------- next part --------------

 Primary working directories    : /scratch/mheger/Molpro
 Secondary working directories  : /scratch/mheger/Molpro
 Wavefunction directory         : /home/mheger/wfu/
 Main file repository           : /scratch/mheger/Molpro/

 SHA1      : 2a61902bb8da2b22da9e50fa118b040149413476
 NAME      : 2015.1.27
 ARCHNAME  : linux/x86_64
 FC        : /opt/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/bin/intel64/ifort
 BLASLIB   : -Wl,-_start-group /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_ilp64.a /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_thread.a /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a -Wl,-_end-group
 id        : ualberta

 Nodes     nprocs
 gra798       4

 Using customized tuning parameters: mindgm=1; mindgv=20; mindgc=4; mindgr=1; noblas=0; minvec=7
 default implementation of scratch files=sf  

 ***,freq restart test
 geometry={   16
  C          1.3462981392        0.0000007039        1.3396274732
  C          1.0826107344        0.0000000129       -0.0366748812
  C         -0.2433807347        0.0000000753       -0.4811345997
  C         -1.2929505149        0.0000001569        0.4490270403
  C         -1.0159259059        0.0000004739        1.8118461595
  C          0.3082775977       -0.0000010983        2.2672701023
  H          2.3760309299        0.0000023676        1.6768743488
  H          1.9085230923       -0.0000002689       -0.7337522485
  O         -0.6230395321        0.0000000108       -1.7983959239
  H         -2.3113722564       -0.0000016672        0.0811849355
  H         -1.8348042252        0.0000024992        2.5212348594
  H          0.5224963703       -0.0000035224        3.3284609702
  C          0.4207228668       -0.0000002201       -2.7684665554
  H         -0.0758609199       -0.0000005162       -3.7350718932
  H          1.0437686980       -0.8930712311       -2.6772085008
  H          1.0437685867        0.8930709239       -2.6772090722

 Variables initialized (889), CPU time= 0.02 sec
 Commands  initialized (702), CPU time= 0.01 sec, 572 directives.
 Default parameters read. Elapsed time= 0.16 sec

 Checking input...

                                         ***  PROGRAM SYSTEM MOLPRO  ***
                                       Copyright, TTI GmbH Stuttgart, 2015
                                    Version 2015.1 linked Nov 22 2017 10:14:24

 LABEL *   freq restart test                                                             
  64 bit mpp version                                                                     DATE: 11-Dec-17          TIME: 12:40:10  

 SHA1:             2a61902bb8da2b22da9e50fa118b040149413476

 Variable memory set to    8000000 words,  buffer space   230000 words

 Permanent file  2  restarttest.wfu  assigned.  Implementation=df    Size=  6.14 MB


 Reading variables from file 2

 _NUMVAR         =    980.00000000
 _DKROLL_DONE    =      0.00000000
 _FOCKDONE       =      1.00000000
 _INTDONE        =      1.00000000
 _SCFDONE        =      1.00000000
 _DIRECT         =      1.00000000
 _DKHO           =     -1.00000000
 _BASIS          =    DEF2-SVP
 _ZSYMEL         =    NOSY
 _ZUNIT          =    ANG
 _NELEC          =     58.00000000
 _CPUSTEP        =      3.66000000
 _SYSSTEP        =      0.48000000
 _WALLSTEP       =      4.46000000
 _BASINP         =    610.00000000
 _CPUTOT         =     21.80000000
 _DFTEXFAC       =      1.00000000
 _DMX            =      0.54409677
 _DMY            =     -0.00000038
 _DMZ            =     -0.20894627
 _DMX_SCF        =      0.54409677
 _DMY_SCF        =     -0.00000038
 _DMZ_SCF        =     -0.20894627
 _EHOMO          =     -0.31222506
 _ELUMO          =      0.13021345
 _EIGS(1:152)    =    -20.57520395   -11.30215624   -11.29129496   -11.24334465   -11.24133529   -11.23459101
                      -11.22992896   -11.22922955    -1.38733958    -1.13567737    -1.01098963    -1.00325875
                       -0.93180465    -0.82606489    -0.80075509    -0.72073057    -0.66282373    -0.66034296
                       -0.65348172    -0.61921672    -0.59081870    -0.57746166    -0.52659732    -0.52644557
                       -0.51519405    -0.48352005    -0.46745439    -0.34161186    -0.31222506     0.13021345
                        0.14869250     0.18202422     0.19737350     0.22470544     0.24299994     0.25429156
                        0.26659434     0.27156488     0.28578542     0.30497987     0.35759940     0.42743411
                        0.45056284     0.45957118     0.46838333     0.50525417     0.53148930     0.58743705
                        0.59026880     0.60186375     0.63261713     0.63895057     0.68621574     0.69131832
                        0.69383677     0.71322461     0.74315561     0.75880682     0.77341270     0.79757209
                        0.83672111     0.84710497     0.85640409     0.86703896     0.87792571     0.88856629
                        0.88955035     0.90210118     0.91746097     0.94349123     0.95464550     0.97111189
                        0.98149153     0.99445168     1.02541722     1.07901601     1.09586236     1.13919464
                        1.19874120     1.21872200     1.28358188     1.31525916     1.38520142     1.42973825
                        1.42977142     1.48321018     1.50293415     1.50343944     1.51798787     1.55404737
                        1.57538445     1.57693783     1.71808065     1.75021801     1.78714231     1.81059868
                        1.91201445     1.95418692     1.95533799     1.96930539     1.99389401     2.00648054
                        2.03948330     2.04532845     2.04826244     2.06329172     2.07758303     2.10025612
                        2.11399656     2.11748042     2.18385385     2.19536153     2.22663012     2.25410874
                        2.25866635     2.28783962     2.30013726     2.37430760     2.40491824     2.44872365
                        2.47149901     2.49630992     2.52687573     2.55158757     2.60223445     2.62209924
                        2.63986275     2.65514638     2.67863605     2.68711654     2.73960152     2.84605419
                        2.94722130     2.95072041     2.97674910     3.01686151     3.04661121     3.09462045
                        3.10503230     3.17099541     3.21953257     3.23533834     3.25359359     3.26005580
                        3.39000038     3.41421877     3.44762154     3.50094262     3.58154029     3.83223311
                        3.87221081     4.12239360
 _ENERGY         =   -344.32642867
 _ENUC           =    345.40117414
 _FREQSTEP       =     97.00000000
 _GRADENERG      =   -344.32639204
 _GRADEXFAC      =   9999.00000000
 _GRADMETHOD     =      1.00000000
 _VIRIAL         =      0.26823820
 _ITERATIONS     =     10.00000000
 _LASTNELEC      =     58.00000000
 _LASTSPIN       =      0.00000000
 _LASTSYM        =      1.00000000
 _NUMSTEP        =      6.00000000
 _ORBITAL        =   2100.10000000
 _SEIG_MIN       =      0.00028094
 _SEWPROP        =      1.00000000
 _STATUS         =      1.00000000
 _SYSTOT         =      3.15000000
 _WALLTOT        =     26.04000000
 _LASTORB        =    RHF
 _PGROUP         =    C1  
 _TIME           =    12:39:29
 CX1             =      2.54413477
 CY1             =      0.00000133
 CZ1             =      2.52152903
 CX2             =      2.04583779
 CY2             =      0.00000002
 CZ2             =     -0.06930548
 CX3             =     -0.45992293
 CY3             =      0.00000014
 CZ3             =     -0.90921262
 CX4             =     -2.44332237
 CY4             =      0.00000030
 CZ4             =      0.84853813
 CX5             =     -1.91982173
 CY5             =      0.00000090
 CZ5             =      3.42389302
 CX6             =      0.58256023
 CY6             =     -0.00000208
 CZ6             =      4.28451954
 HX7             =      4.49004772
 HY7             =      0.00000447
 HZ7             =      3.16883326
 HX8             =      3.60658595
 HY8             =     -0.00000051
 HZ8             =     -1.38659079
 OX9             =     -1.17737408
 OY9             =      0.00000002
 OZ9             =     -3.39847576
 HX10            =     -4.36786054
 HY10            =     -0.00000315
 HZ10            =      0.15341729
 HX11            =     -3.46727748
 HY11            =      0.00000472
 HZ11            =      4.76444338
 HX12            =      0.98737504
 HY12            =     -0.00000666
 HZ12            =      6.28987965
 CX13            =      0.79505099
 CY13            =     -0.00000042
 CZ13            =     -5.23164357
 HX14            =     -0.14335636
 HY14            =     -0.00000098
 HZ14            =     -7.05826293
 HX15            =      1.97243698
 HY15            =     -1.68766004
 HZ15            =     -5.05919084
 HX16            =      1.97243677
 HY16            =      1.68765946
 HZ16            =     -5.05919192

 Geometry written to block  1 of record 701

              2       8        6.44       500      610      700     1000      520     2100      701     5500   
                                          VAR    BASINP    GEOM     BASIS   MCVARS     RHF     GEOM     HINFO   

 CPU TIMES  *         0.20      0.01
 REAL TIME  *         0.32 SEC
 DISK USED  *         0.13 MB      

 Variable memory set to  150000000 words,  buffer space   230000 words

 SETTING BASIS          =    DEF2-SVP

Geometry recognized as XYZ

 Recomputing integrals since basis changed

 Using spherical harmonics

 Library entry C      S def2-SVP             selected for orbital group  1
 Library entry C      P def2-SVP             selected for orbital group  1
 Library entry C      D def2-SVP             selected for orbital group  1
 Library entry H      S def2-SVP             selected for orbital group  2
 Library entry H      P def2-SVP             selected for orbital group  2
 Library entry O      S def2-SVP             selected for orbital group  3
 Library entry O      P def2-SVP             selected for orbital group  3
 Library entry O      D def2-SVP             selected for orbital group  3

 PROGRAM * SEWARD (Integral evaluation for generally contracted gaussian basis sets)     Author: Roland Lindh, 1990

 Geometry written to block  1 of record 700

 Point group  C1  


 NR  ATOM    CHARGE       X              Y              Z

   1  C       6.00    2.544134765    0.000001330    2.531529033
   2  C       6.00    2.045837788    0.000000024   -0.069305481
   3  C       6.00   -0.459922933    0.000000142   -0.909212622
   4  C       6.00   -2.443322366    0.000000296    0.848538129
   5  C       6.00   -1.919821725    0.000000896    3.423893021
   6  C       6.00    0.582560230   -0.000002075    4.284519544
   7  H       1.00    4.490047721    0.000004474    3.168833265
   8  H       1.00    3.606585947   -0.000000508   -1.386590793
   9  O       8.00   -1.177374080    0.000000020   -3.398475760
  10  H       1.00   -4.367860537   -0.000003151    0.153417294
  11  H       1.00   -3.467277478    0.000004723    4.764443380
  12  H       1.00    0.987375041   -0.000006656    6.289879650
  13  C       6.00    0.795050993   -0.000000416   -5.231643575
  14  H       1.00   -0.143356362   -0.000000975   -7.058262934
  15  H       1.00    1.972436977   -1.687660037   -5.059190845
  16  H       1.00    1.972436766    1.687659456   -5.059191925

 Bond lengths in Bohr (Angstrom)

 1-2  2.648138978  1-6  2.630731911  1-7  2.047616643  2-3  2.642778990  2-8  2.042345566
     ( 1.401334799)     ( 1.392123375)     ( 1.083552064)     ( 1.398498415)     ( 1.080762730)

  3- 4  2.650200184   3- 9  2.590592040   4- 5  2.628023163   4-10  2.046225830   5- 6  2.646241384
       ( 1.402425542)       ( 1.370882270)       ( 1.390689967)       ( 1.082816077)       ( 1.400330635)

  5-11  2.047362833   6-12  2.045811376   9-13  2.692761576  13-14  2.053569246  13-15  2.064987335
       ( 1.083417754)       ( 1.082596758)       ( 1.424948061)       ( 1.086702046)       ( 1.092744239)

 13-16  2.064987330
       ( 1.092744236)

 Bond angles

  1- 2- 3  119.37659474   1- 2- 8  119.31872979   1- 6- 5  119.23468733   1- 6-12  120.37332551

  2-1-6  120.94011120   2-1-7  118.98002639   2-3-4  119.92097043   2-3-9  124.60861013

  3- 2- 8  121.30467547   3- 4- 5  120.05822199   3- 4-10  118.59250087   3- 9-13  116.82637401

  4- 3- 9  115.47041944   4- 5- 6  120.46941431   4- 5-11  119.41201435   5- 4-10  121.34927715

  5- 6-12  120.39198716   6- 1- 7  120.07986241   6- 5-11  120.11857134   9-13-14  105.71294554

  9-13-15  111.14863316   9-13-16  111.14863422  14-13-15  109.56211415  14-13-16  109.56211017

 15-13-16  109.62560029

 NUCLEAR CHARGE:                   58
 NUMBER OF CONTRACTIONS:          152   ( 152A   )
 NUMBER OF CORE ORBITALS:           8   (   8A   )
 NUMBER OF VALENCE ORBITALS:       40   (  40A   )


 Eigenvalues of metric

         1 0.281E-03 0.149E-02 0.221E-02 0.256E-02 0.452E-02 0.458E-02 0.910E-02 0.107E-01

 OPERATOR DM      FOR CENTER  0  COORDINATES:    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000

              1      19       21.45       500      701      610      700      900      950      970     1000      129      960   
                                          VAR     GEOM    BASINP    GEOM    SYMINP    ZMAT    AOBASIS   BASIS     P2S    ABASIS    
                                         1100     1400     1410     1200     1210     1080     1600     1650     1700   
                                           S        T        V       H0       H01     AOSYM     SMH    MOLCAS    OPER   

              2       8        6.44       500      610      700     1000      520     2100      701     5500   
                                          VAR    BASINP    GEOM     BASIS   MCVARS     RHF     GEOM     HINFO   

 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL       INT   RESTART
 CPU TIMES  *         0.43      0.22      0.01
 REAL TIME  *         0.69 SEC
 DISK USED  *         0.13 MB      
 GA USED    *         0.01 MB       (max)       0.00 MB       (current)

 PROGRAM * RHF-SCF (CLOSED SHELL)       Authors: W. Meyer, H.-J. Werner

 CONVERGENCE THRESHOLDS:    1.00E-06 (Density)    1.16E-07 (Energy)
 INTEGRAL THRESHOLDS:       1.00E-11 (Initial)    1.00E-11 (Final)
 INTERPOLATION STEPS:              2 (START)      1 (STEP)
 LEVEL SHIFTS:                  0.00 (CLOSED)  0.00 (OPEN) 

 Basis set DEF2-SVP/JKFIT generated.     Number of basis functions:   594 
 Molecular orbitals read from record     2100.2  Type=RHF/CANONICAL (state 1.1)
 Coulomb and exchange fitting
 Thresholds for fitting:       THRAO_COUL= 1.0D-14    THRAO_EXCH= 1.0D-12    THRMO= 1.0D-11    THRPROD= 1.0D-11    THRASM= 1.0D-11
                               THR2HLF=    1.0D-11

 Molecular orbital dump at record        2100.2

 ITERATION   DDIFF            GRAD            ENERGY        2-EL.EN.            DIPOLE MOMENTS         DIIS   CPU(IT)  CPU(TOT)  ORB.
    1      0.000D+00      0.000D+00      -344.32644656    922.969549    0.54257   -0.00000   -0.20739    0      0.3      0.4     start
    2      0.000D+00      0.172D-07      -344.32644656    922.969544    0.54258   -0.00000   -0.20739    0      0.3      0.7     orth

 Final occupancy:  29

 !RHF STATE 1.1 Energy               -344.326446564273
 Nuclear energy                       345.35954597
 One-electron energy                -1151.17076437
 Two-electron energy                  461.48477184
 Virial quotient                       -1.00495165
 !RHF STATE 1.1 Dipole moment           0.54257717    -0.00000038    -0.20739308
 Dipole moment /Debye                   1.37900328    -0.00000096    -0.52710611

 Orbital energies:

         1.1          2.1          3.1          4.1          5.1          6.1          7.1          8.1          9.1         10.1
    -20.575165   -11.302105   -11.291248   -11.243335   -11.241412   -11.234877   -11.229717   -11.229407    -1.387293    -1.135509

        11.1         12.1         13.1         14.1         15.1         16.1         17.1         18.1         19.1         20.1
     -1.010959    -1.002998    -0.931985    -0.826321    -0.800464    -0.720696    -0.662706    -0.660316    -0.653430    -0.619586

        21.1         22.1         23.1         24.1         25.1         26.1         27.1         28.1         29.1         30.1
     -0.591084    -0.577187    -0.526524    -0.526333    -0.514808    -0.483976    -0.467447    -0.340972    -0.312748     0.129708


 HOMO     29.1    -0.312748 =      -8.5103eV
 LUMO     30.1     0.129708 =       3.5295eV
 LUMO-HOMO         0.442456 =      12.0398eV

              1      19       21.45       500      701      610      700      900      950      970     1000      129      960   
                                          VAR     GEOM    BASINP    GEOM    SYMINP    ZMAT    AOBASIS   BASIS     P2S    ABASIS    
                                         1100     1400     1410     1200     1210     1080     1600     1650     1700   
                                           S        T        V       H0       H01     AOSYM     SMH    MOLCAS    OPER   

              2       8        6.44       500      610      700     1000      520     2100      701     5500   
                                          VAR    BASINP    GEOM     BASIS   MCVARS     RHF     GEOM     HINFO   

 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL        HF       INT   RESTART
 CPU TIMES  *         1.10      0.67      0.22      0.01
 REAL TIME  *         1.52 SEC
 DISK USED  *         0.13 MB      
 SF USED    *        24.17 MB      
 GA USED    *         3.27 MB       (max)       0.00 MB       (current)


 *** Long output written to logfile /home/mheger/SerHaAsn_SS/BHL_T/resttest.log ***

 Computing numerical hessian using default procedure for command DF-HF-SCF

 Using no symmetry in wavefunction calculations

 Running default procedure: DF-HF-SCF000
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CX1A CX1
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CY1A CY1
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CZ1A CZ1
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CX2A CX2
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CY2A CY2
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CZ2A CZ2
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CX3A CX3
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CY3A CY3
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CZ3A CZ3
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CX4A CX4
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CY4A CY4
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CZ4A CZ4
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CX5A CX5
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CY5A CY5
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CZ5A CZ5
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CX6A CX6
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CY6A CY6
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CZ6A CZ6
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HX7A HX7
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HY7A HY7
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HZ7A HZ7
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HX8A HX8
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HY8A HY8
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HZ8A HZ8
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: OX9A OX9
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: OY9A OY9
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: OZ9A OZ9
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HX10A HX10
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HY10A HY10
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HZ10A HZ10
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HX11A HX11
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HY11A HY11
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HZ11A HZ11
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HX12A HX12
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HY12A HY12
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HZ12A HZ12
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CX13A CX13
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CY13A CY13
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: CZ13A CZ13
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HX14A HX14
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HY14A HY14
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HZ14A HZ14
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HX15A HX15
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HY15A HY15
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HZ15A HZ15
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HX16A HX16
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HY16A HY16
 Inconsistent active variables in restart: HZ16A HZ16
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CX1A CX1
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CY1A CY1
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CZ1A CZ1
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CX2A CX2
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CY2A CY2
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CZ2A CZ2
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CX3A CX3
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CY3A CY3
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CZ3A CZ3
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CX4A CX4
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CY4A CY4
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CZ4A CZ4
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CX5A CX5
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CY5A CY5
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CZ5A CZ5
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CX6A CX6
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CY6A CY6
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CZ6A CZ6
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HX7A HX7
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HY7A HY7
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HZ7A HZ7
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HX8A HX8
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HY8A HY8
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HZ8A HZ8
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: OX9A OX9
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: OY9A OY9
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: OZ9A OZ9
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HX10A HX10
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HY10A HY10
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HZ10A HZ10
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HX11A HX11
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HY11A HY11
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HZ11A HZ11
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HX12A HX12
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HY12A HY12
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HZ12A HZ12
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CX13A CX13
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CY13A CY13
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: CZ13A CZ13
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HX14A HX14
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HY14A HY14
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HZ14A HZ14
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HX15A HX15
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HY15A HY15
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HZ15A HZ15
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HX16A HX16
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HY16A HY16
 Inconsistent zvarsym in restart: HZ16A HZ16
 ? Error
 ? Restart error
 ? The problem occurs in htask_read

 GLOBAL ERROR fehler on processor   0                                         

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